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VueJs - Invalid prop: type check failed for prop “page”. Expected DocumentPageDto, got Object

I have a component PageViewer with props defined like this

props: {
    page: DocumentPageDto,

I use it in another Vue like as so


selectedPage is set as a response from an API call which leads to this warning in the console

Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "page". Expected DocumentPageDto, got Object

Which I understand, the response from the API is just a plain old Object I wonder if Vue has a way of dealing with this, I want to keep the prop type declaration as DocumentPageDto for intellisense.

Does Vue have a way of dealing with this, can I ignore the type check?


Instead of declaring props like

props: {
   page: DocumentPageDto,

Use a property and apply the @Prop decorator from the vue-property-decorator library works just fine.

diagram: DiagramDto = null;

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