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Font Awesome + Angular: Empty Expressions are not allowed

I am importing font awesome in my component like this (tried both separately):

import * as faInfoCircle from '@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons/faInfoCircle';

import * as faInfoCircle from '@fortawesome/pro-regular-svg-icons/faInfoCircle';

defined in the class as:

faInfoCircle = faInfoCircle;

used in the template:

<mh1-icon-button [icon]="faInfoCircle"
[tooltip]="'this is a tooltip'"> test

I am getting this error:

    Uncaught Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Template parse errors:
    Empty expressions are not allowed ("n-button [icon]="faInfoCircle"
                      (click)="[ERROR ->]"
                      [tooltip]="'this is a tooltip'"> test
    "): ng:///PressureModule/PressureDetailsComponent.html@250:27

Looking for an explanation / insight into why this error is occurring

Remove the (click) handler. As the error explains, it cannot be empty. This error has nothing to do with FontAwesome.

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