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model reveal issue with ajax call in foundation-zurb

i am trying to make ajax call with model reveal in my application.

able to pass dynamic id in url but it reveals only last model (without ajax-call) on each click

i tried previous solution with ajax-all Reveal Modal is revealing last value in loop iteration Foundation-zurb issue

but i am not able to pass dynamic id in javasript file.

model reveal reference link:- https://codepen.io/sujayjaju/pen/akAYzP?editors=1010

current code reveals one model on each reveal click i tried last solution as well(url mentioned) but it doesn't worked with ajax-call.


  $(document).on('open.zf.reveal', "#exampleModal1", function (e) {
var $modal = $(this);
var ajax_url = $modal.data("ajax-url");
if (ajax_url) {
  $modal.html("Now Loading: "+ajax_url);
  $.ajax(ajax_url).done(function (response) {


<% @project.project_sites.where(submission_status: true).order("created_at desc").each do |project_site| %>
      <td><%= project_site.user.name %></td>

        <div class="full reveal" id="exampleModal1" data-reveal data-ajax-url="<%= project_site.id %>/attendances/">

         <button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">
         <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

         <p><button class="button small warning button-margin-top fi-eye" data-open="exampleModal1"> View</button></p>

<%end %>

You can refer this particular commit from my application which is well.

Javascript Code

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
  $('[data-open="ajax-reveal"]').on('click', function(e) {
      url: $(this).data('url'),
      success: function(result) {
      error: function(result) {
        $(".reveal-content").html('Error loading content. Please close popup and retry.');


          #ajax-reveal.reveal{'data-reveal': true, 'aria-labelledby':"modalTitle", 'aria-hidden': true, role: "dialog"}
            %button.close-button{'aria-label': "Close modal", type: :button, data: {close: true}}
              %span{'aria-hidden': true} &times;

My Links look like this

<% @project.project_sites.where(submission_status: true).order("created_at desc").each do |project_site| %>
  <%- 'YOUR OTHER CODE' %>
  <%= link_to 'View', 'javascript:void(0)', class: 'button OTHER-CLASSES', data: {open: 'ajax-reveal', url: project_site_path(project_site)} %>
<% end %>

Some handy helpers that I use for reveal are

  def close_reveal_button(text = 'Cancel')
    content_tag(:div, text, class: 'button warning', data: {close: ''})
  def link_to_reveal(content, url, classes)
    link_to content, 'javascript:void(0)', class: classes, data: {open: 'ajax-reveal', url: url}

You can refer more helpers here

just found easy solution to this problem that worked:- (with internal jquery)


<% @project.project_sites.where(submission_status: true).order("created_at desc").each do |project_site| %>
           <% site_modal_id = "site_modal_#{project_site.id}" %>

                  <div class="full reveal" id="<%= site_model_id %>" data-reveal data-ajax-url="<%= project_site.id %>/attendances/">

              <button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">
                <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

            <p><button class="button small warning button-margin-top fi-eye" data-open="<%= site_modal_id %>"> View</button></p>


$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
  $(function(){ $(document).foundation(); });

  $(document).on('open.zf.reveal', "#<%= site_modal_id %>", function (e) {
    var $modal = $(this);
    var ajax_url = $modal.data("ajax-url");
    if (ajax_url) {
    $modal.html("Now Loading: "+ajax_url);
    $.ajax(ajax_url).done(function (response) {

<%end %>

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