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React testing with Jest : Destructuring assignment not working

I am trying to test a react component using Jest and Enzyme. My componentDidMount method/function


// some code

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

    componentDidMount() {
      setTimeout (() => {
        const { formVals : { eName, eSal }, changeVal } = this.props
        console.log("changeVal function" + changeVal)
        changeVal(someparam , someparam2)
      }, 1000)

// some more functions 


export default MyComponent

and my test code goes like

import MyComponent from '../../components/Real' //Real.jsx

    test('test componentDidMount', () => {
      var props = {
        formVals: {
          eName: 123,
          eSal: 10000
        changeVal: (x, y) => console.log(x)
      var component = shallow <MyComponent {...props}/>
      jest.runAllTimers(); // getting coverage for setTimeOut
      component.update();  // getting coverage for setTimeOut

But I get the value of changeVal as undefined which means destructuring assignment is not working.

Kindly help on what might be an issue in this case.

Here you go.

const { 
  formVals: { eName, eSal },
} = this.props;

Try this.

     const { formVals : { eName, eSal }, changeVal } = this.props

Change const { formVals { eName, eSal }, changeVal } = this.props


const { formVals, changeVal } = this.props;
const { eName, eSal } = formVals;


const { formVals: { eName, eSal }, changeVal } = this.props

Update: Trying the repro the issue with snippet. Only change is I had to remove the ; at end of console.log to avoid error.

 var props = { formVals: { eName: 123, eSal: 10000, }, changeVal: (x, y) => console.log(x) }; const { formVals: { eName, eSal }, changeVal, } = props; changeVal("print this", "hello");

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