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How can I use certreq.exe to sign a CSR while providing a CertificateTemplate and SAN attributes?

Welcome everyone!

I am currently trying to automate strictly internal SSL-Certificate signing using Powershell and certreq.exe . At this point I am able to create valid certificates but the -attrib option is causing me some headache.

I send my automatically created CSR to my CA and i get a valid cert but it's missing the first 3 SAN entries IPAddress=$iLOIP&DNS=$iLOIP&DNS=$hostname . However the last one ( DNS=iLOFQDN ) is present. II am using this exact command:

certreq.exe -submit -config $certificateserver -attrib "CertificateTemplate:$certificatetemplate\nsan:IPAddress=$iLOIP&DNS=$iLOIP&DNS=$hostname&DNS=$iLOFQDN" "$scriptpath\currentcsr.txt" "$scriptpath\currentcert.cer"

I am not sure about the syntax and the weird thing is that it doesn't work without the \n between the CertificateTemplate:$certificatetemplate and SAN: . I found that out earlier when googling the problem but it does not fix everything for me.

Unfortunately, there is no way for me to use an.inf file, where I would be able to enter the SAN entries.

Now to my question(s): What is the correct syntax to be used inside the -attrib field? Is it possible somehow not specify a template? Am I over-complicating things drastically and there is already a tool to do this all?

Continuing from my comment, here is a prebuilt PowerShell script to request SAN certs.

powershell request a SAN cert

Certificate with SAN using Powershell - with Import/Export

This script uses powershell to create a certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name[s]), submit the request to the CA with specific web server template and issue to a server/ workstation accordingly. Updated to allow for wildcard CNs.

Download: New-CACertificate.ps1

Script to ease the pain of creating/submitting/automating the process of creating a certificate for on-prem CA 
Required Variables: Subject, Exportable, SAN1, Template. Up to 5 SANs can be included in this script. More can be added if desired. User must have privileges to submit / create certificate template.  
./get-certificate-inf.ps1 -Subject contoso.com -Exportable $false -Template Server -SAN1 contoso.com -SAN2 www.contoso.com -SAN3 devsite.constoso.com 
Variables that Require user modification to the script: See "Subject Variables" Section. 
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Inquire' 
## Gathering Logic for SAN 
$SAN = '' 
if ($SAN2) 
    $SAN +="&dns=$SAN2" 
if ($SAN3) 
    $SAN +="&dns=$SAN3" 
if ($SAN4) 
    $SAN +="&dns=$SAN4" 
if ($SAN5) 
    $SAN +="&dns=$SAN5" 
$FullSAN ="{text}dns=$SAN1$SAN" 
## Required Because Powershell interprets $Windows as a variable not a string 
$Windows = '$Windows' 
$inputfiletemplate = @" 
Signature="$Windows NT$" 
##Enter Subject Variables Here and uncomment: 
# $O = [organization] 
# $OU = [Organizational Unit] 
# $E = [email] 
# $L = [locality] 
# $ST = [state] 
# $C = [country] 
Subject = "CN=$Subject, O=$O, OU=$OU, E=$E, L=$L, ST=$ST, C=$C"   ; For a wildcard use "CN=*.CONTOSO.COM" for example 
Exportable = $Exportable                  ; Private key is not exportable  
KeyLength = 2048                    ; Common key sizes: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384  
KeySpec = 1                         ; AT_KEYEXCHANGE  
KeyUsage = 0xA0                     ; Digital Signature, Key Encipherment  
MachineKeySet = True                ; The key belongs to the local computer account  
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"  
ProviderType = 12  
RequestType = CMC 
; At least certreq.exe shipping with Windows Vista/Server 2008 is required to interpret the [Strings] and [Extensions] sections below 
### Gathering Certificate information ### 
$filename = $Subject.Substring(0,3) 
### Make allowance for wildcard CNs 
    if ($filename -like "*") 
            Write-Host "Hang on...have to create a new filename..." 
            $filename = (-join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | % {[char]$_})) 
        #Do Nothing     
$inputfiletemplate | Out-File "$filename.inf" 
Write-Host "Generating request" 
### End of Gathering Certificate information ### 
# Using Certreq to request a new certificate with information file and request 
& "C:\Windows\System32\certreq.exe" "-new" "$filename.inf" "$filename.req" 
# Submitting Request to CA with request and saving file as a .cer 
Write-Host "Submitting request to CA" 
& "C:\Windows\System32\certreq.exe" "-submit" "$filename.req" "$filename.cer" 
# Accepting the certificate from SubCA 
& "C:\Windows\System32\certreq.exe" "-accept" "$filename.cer" 
Write-Host "Certificate Imported Successfully" 
# File cleanup 
Write-Host "Cleaning up files generated" 
Remove-Item "$filename.*" -Force 
# Asking if you would like to export the certificate  
if ($Exportable -eq $TRUE) 
    if((Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to export the certificate? Y\N") -eq "y"){ 
#Show certifiate store  
Write-Host "Fetching Certificates in store for you..." 
get-childitem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\my | Format-list subject,thumbprint 
#Ask user to copy thumbprint to console 
Write-Host "Please copy the thumbprint to export" 
$thumbprint = Read-Host -Prompt "Please paste the desired thumbprint here" 
#Export certificate with password 
get-childitem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\my\$thumbprint | Export-PfxCertificate -Password (read-host -Prompt "Please type your password" -AsSecureString) -ChainOption EndEntityCertOnly -NoClobber -FilePath (read-host -Prompt "Give the PFX a filename with .pfx") 
"`nExport Successful... 'till next time." 
    "Mission Complete!" 

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