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Jest Mock React Component ONLY in some tests

This question is really good: Jest Mock module per test

It just don't answer my question on how to only mock it out in one single test and keep the rest using the original component.

That would make sense if I wish to do some mocking for an snapshot but not for the other tests

This is my current attempt

import React from 'react'
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'

jest.mock('components/Photo', () =>
  jest.fn(() => jest.requireActual('components/Photo'))
import Photo from 'components/Photo'

import PhotoGrid from '.'

beforeEach(() => {

test('default renders 9 photos if provided 9', () => {
  const photos = [...Array(9).keys()]
  const { getAllByTestId, debug } = render(<PhotoGrid photos={photos} />)


test('renders with masonry grid style', () => {
  Photo.mockImplementation(() => <div />)
  const photos = [...Array(9).keys()]
  const { container, debug } = render(<PhotoGrid photos={photos} />)



This is the component to test

import React from 'react'
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import './index.css'

import Photo from 'components/Photo'

function PhotoGrid({ photos, numberOfPhotos = 9 }) {
  const imgs = photos ? photos.slice(0, numberOfPhotos) : []

  const breakpointColumnsObj = {
    default: 4,
    1300: 3,
    900: 2,
    700: 1,

  return (
      {imgs &&
        imgs.map(({ id, secret, server, farm }, index) => (
          <div key={index} className="masonry-item">
            <Photo id={id} secret={secret} server={server} farm={farm} />

export default PhotoGrid

jest.mock(...) the component you want to mock in one of tests.

Use jest.requireActual(...) to implement default behavior.

Use mockImplementation to implement custom behavior.

import React from 'react'
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'

import Photo from 'components/Photo'

import PhotoGrid from '.'

// This maintains the original implementation for tests. 
// This step is important because if not done, it will
// result in empty render errors.
beforeEach(() => {

// This test will use original implementation of 'components/Photo'
test('default renders 9 photos if provided 9', () => {
  const photos = [...Array(9).keys()]
  const { getAllByTestId, debug } = render(<PhotoGrid photos={photos} />)


// This test will use the mocked implementation of 'components/Photo'
test('renders with masonry grid style', () => {
  Photo.mockImplementation(() => <div />)
  const photos = [...Array(9).keys()]
  const { container, debug } = render(<PhotoGrid photos={photos} />)



I don't have the permission to add comments so I will just leave this here.

I have tried the solution offered by Han Daniels and I was getting the error:

TypeError: specificMockImpl.apply is not a function .

I have fixed it by adding .default after jest.requireActual('components/Photo') because Photo is the default export.

So it is: jest.requireActual('components/Photo').default

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