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Tensorflow in python 3.9 Installation error : failure to install tensorflow [WinError 2]

While installing TensorFlow on Windows having python 3.9 installed using the following command:

pip install tensorflow

Following error occurred with the warning:

WARNING: Failed to write executable - trying to use .deleteme logic

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 2] 
The system cannot find the file specified: 'c:\\python39\\Scripts\\pyrsa-decrypt.exe'
-> 'c:\\python39\\Scripts\\pyrsa-decrypt.exe.deleteme' 

How this can be resolved?

Run the same command using


pip install --user package_name

or you can try to restart the terminal and run it as admin

Just run the cmd as an administrator then retype the command pip install tensorflow it will take over from where the error occured.

What seems to be working for me on Windows Python 3.9 is:

pip install --upgrade tensorflow

Just to get it to install without an error.

As mentioned in the documentation . Its even working for a non virtual env on my end.

In my case: When I am running google colab in local runtime jupyter, I tried next command and it worked for me:

!pip install --user tensorflow

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