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python openCV codec info

Let's say there are some mov files. I want to know what codec each mov is using. Can anyone help me? I need to get "h264" as in the image, not Input(AVC1).

import cv2
import glob

mov_files = glob.glob('*.mp4')

for eachFile in mov_files:
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(eachFile)
    file_length = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
    codec ??



You can find the 4 character code of the video codec using below:

h = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC))
codec = chr(h&0xff) + chr((h>>8)&0xff) + chr((h>>16)&0xff) + chr((h>>24)&0xff)


With OpenCV only the FourCC information for the video codec is possible to get. No further information on codec is available. You can refer to the link: https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture

And also the list of FourCC codes: http://www.fourcc.org/codecs.php

So as per this question, you can get the FourCC code information only by using OpenCV. For further details on the codec you may need to use other libraries.

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