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How do you iterate/get ever role ID from a user?

I want to iterate through the entire list of role IDs from a single user and see if that user has one of the role IDs on a file I have. Right at "AccessListR.includes()" is where I don't know what to put because that's where the list of user role IDs should go or something like that. I think I need a function to iterate through them and return them each time to the if statement. Except... I don't know how to access the list of roles from a user. Here's my code:

if ((AccessListBot.includes(message.author.username) || AccessListBotR.includes()) && message.content.includes(prefix)){
message.channel.send("ERROR: You have been blacklisted from using this bot.")


You can use Collection.some() to check if one of the role returns true:

if ((AccessListBot.includes(message.author.username) || (message.member.roles.cache.some((role) => AccessListBotR.includes(role.id))) && message.content.includes(prefix)){
message.channel.send("ERROR: You have been blacklisted from using this bot.")

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