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vue-chartjs with chartkick vertical bar chart

I am using vue-chartjs https://vue-chartjs.org/

And vue-chartkick https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-chartkick

With data from a Covid api that vuex stores the.cases object https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/historical/all?lastdays=365


Will display a bar-chart but it is horizontal instead of vertical, how do I make it vertical?

Photo of horizontal chart, but should be a vertical chart


A line-chart with the same data will display a line-chart correctly with the dates on the bottom and the amount on the side.

line chart with same data, displays correctly

How would I make the vue-chartkick vue-chartjs bar-chart to be vertical instead of horizontal?

It sounds like you want to use a column chart.

<column-chart :data="this.WorldTimelineData"></column-chart>

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