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“Color” attribute does not work on <mat-toolbar> in a side navigation in Angular Materia

I cannot make the mat-toolbar to change color according to my theme. Please see my code:


<mat-sidenav #drawer class="sidenav" fixedInViewport
      [attr.role]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'dialog' : 'navigation'"
      [mode]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'over' : 'side'"
      [opened]="(isHandset$ | async) === false">
    <mat-toolbar color="primary" >Menu</mat-toolbar>
      <a mat-list-item href="#">
        <mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Health Check" color="primary">poll</mat-icon>
        &nbsp; Poll
      <a mat-list-item href="#">
        <mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Health Check" color="primary">info</mat-icon>
          &nbsp; Announcements

But in the content, I don't get any issues. Please see my code.

    <mat-toolbar color="primary">
        aria-label="Toggle sidenav"
        *ngIf="isHandset$ | async">
        <mat-icon aria-label="Side nav toggle icon">menu</mat-icon>

        <a mat-button href="#">
          <mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Health Check">accessibility_new</mat-icon>
          Health Check
        <span class="spacer"></span>
        <div *ngIf="!isXs">
          <a mat-button href="#">
            <mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Health Check">poll</mat-icon>
          <a mat-button href="#">
            <mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Health Check">info</mat-icon>

    <!-- Add Content Here -->

This is the image: 在此处输入图像描述

In the mat-nav component need to change css from:

.sidenav .mat-toolbar {
  background: inherit;


.sidenav {
  background: inherit;

This problem arise when mat-nav component is created by schematics.

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