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Authorize Channel in Laravel Package

I am developing a laravel package where i need to authorize a private channel.

In my normal laravel project(not the package) everything is working fine:

Event SendMessage:

public function broadcastOn()
    return new PrivateChannel('chat');

and in my route/channel.php i do as follows:

Broadcast::channel('chat', function ($user) {
    return Auth::check();

But how can i authorize my chat channel inside my laravel package?

In my laravel package the service provider has boot and register functions, as with routes/web.php i know we can register it but what to do with the channels? Can we register them? i find no documentation regarding that Please help.

I am using pusher server and with laravel echo.

Hopefully you can understand my question. I just wanna know how can i authroize channel in my package.

The answer to my own question is that We must uncomment a line from config/app.php which is:


I was struggling with the channels and it comes to the point that, we do not need to register the channels or broadcasting services in our package.

They are by default globally enabled.

So everything remains the same and just by uncommenting that i was able to authorize the private channel.

Hoepfully nobody gets into such trouble.


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