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cypress, stub window function and get call param or return value

I have web page with button, when I click on button it do window.location.href = some_url_on_s3

so i created function on window window.changeLocation = (url)=>window.location.assing(url)

and I create a stub in cypress for that function.

the idea was to get the s3 url, download it using cy.request() and compare request.body with what I expect to be there.

first approach was to put cy.request inside stub and expect in "then" of cy.request . it does not work for some reason and " then " of cy.request never fires .

second aproach was to make some variable , set it on stub and use later in request . something like this:

let myUrl =''
cy.window().then(window=>cy.stub(window, 'changeLocation', (url)=>myUrl=url).as('changeLocation'))  

cy.get(`div[data-testid=processed_data] button[title=⤓]`).click()   // click on download button

cy.log(myUrl) // it log right url, so it should be fine?

but cypress giving me an error that cy.request url param cant be empty ... so there is probably some magic with cypress variables that I cant understand

my last approach was to get call param from stub (the url) cypress stubs are sinon stubs . so according to sinon docs it should have getCall method.

cy.window().then(window=>cy.stub(window, 'changeLocation').as('changeLocation'))  
        cy.get(`div[data-testid=processed_data] button[title=⤓]`).click()   
       const firstCall = cy.get('@changeLocation').getCall(0)

but cypress is giving me an error cy.get(...).getCall is not a function

and I have no more ideas, feel dead inside and want to change career ;) please help

ps. I also did try :

          const stub=cy.stub(window, 'changeLocation')
          cy.get(`div[data-testid=processed_data] button[title=⤓]`).click()   


but stub.getCall(0) returning null and stub was called, it can be seen in cypress logs: 带有 null styb.getCall(0) 的柏树日志

wrap this part with cy.then to let it be executed only after previous code is resolved and myUrl is updated with new value

    cy.log(myUrl) // it log right url, so it should be fine?

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