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aws amplify codegen: how to generate base types for TypeScript?

I'm building a React + aws AppSync graphql web app with amplify. Have been enjoying this fantastic tool, but couldn't get the codegen to work as I expected - it doesn't generate base types for TypeScript frontend.

Say I feed this schema.graphql file to amplify codegen :

type Event @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  effects: [EventEffects]

type EventEffect {
  name: String
  delta: Int

with this config.yml :

    schemaPath: amplify/backend/api/myapi/build/schema.graphql
      - src/graphql/**/*.ts
      - ./amplify/**
        codeGenTarget: typescript
        generatedFileName: src/API.ts
        docsFilePath: src/graphql
    version: 3

Then codegen gives me API.ts and queries.ts , mutations.ts , subscriptions.ts and schema.json . The problem is, there's no base types generated.

I can get interface for Event with:

export interface Event
  extends Omit<Exclude<GetEventQuery["getEvent"], null>, "__typename"> {}

But there's no way to get interface for EventEffect , since I didn't add @modal directive.

To narrow down my questions:

  1. Is it by design that amplify doesn't generate base types?

  2. How to get base type for EventEffect ?

  3. What is the schema.json generated used for?

Do you expect generated classes for Event and EventEffect that you can use with DataStore.save() ? Try this:

amplify codegen models

It should create/update the src/models directory with the index.d.ts file containing the 2 classes that you are looking for.

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