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Jest spyOn handleSubmit() method does not exist

My test case goes like this:

describe('Personal Profile', () => {
  it('renders', () => {
    const wrapper = mount(
      <PersonalProfile store={store}/>
    const spy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'handleChangetype')


I am getting the above error while running the test case.

In my js file, I have not used arrow functions and bound the method in the constructor though I m having this error.

can anybody help?

I am able to figure it out. the problem was that I used redux store and it was trying to find the method in the connect component. So what I needed to do is to call .first().shallow() on my wrapper to get the component I want.

const wrapper = shallow(
        <PersonalProfile store={store}/>

Did this as I have two HOCs so get the desired component I have to shallow the first component of previous return twice.

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