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How to read XML file and display in datagridview in C#

I am developing a C# application and trying to read XML file present in one directory and display the records in DataGridView..

What I have tried:

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; 

this code work fine but it show only <DIP_1> data

here is xml file..





i need below output in datagridview..

GOOD    1144    1217.9  73.900024   102.63892
GOOD    1143.4  1222.1  78.699951   109.30549

any idea please help...

DataSet is limited to 4 levels of tags. You have more so use xml linq

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data;

namespace ConsoleApplication166
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("sDipStatus", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("rSubstrateWeight", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("rWetScale1", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("rWetUptakeWeight", typeof(decimal));
            dt.Columns.Add("rWetUptakePercent", typeof(decimal));

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);

            foreach (XElement dip in doc.Root.Elements())
                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] {


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