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appcmd.exe command causing error in win_command module

I'm trying to run multiline command into the following script for urlrewrite https redirection under IIS through ansible playbook with the win_command but it shows error even i tried to put only the first command line into the win_command :

- name: configure https redirection urlrewrite
  win_command: appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /"[name='Redirect to HTTPS'].match.url:"(client*)""
               appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /+"[name='Redirect to HTTPS'].conditions.[input='{REQUEST_FILENAME}',matchType='IsFile']"
               appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /+"[name='Redirect to HTTPS'].conditions.[input='{REQUEST_FILENAME}',matchType='IsDirectory']"
               appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /"[name='Redirect to HTTPS'].action.type:"Rewrite""
               appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /"[name='Redirect to HTTPS'].action.url:"client/index.html""

You need to add one command before these executed, otherwise appcmd will not find rule. I have tested it and succeeded

appcmd.exe set config "site1" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules /+"[name='Redirect to HTTPS']"

这是执行结果 网页配置

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