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Google Sheets script filter by sheet name

I need to get a list of sheets which contain a specific word. For example, I have 4 sheets, big tree, small tree, big house, small house and I need to get only the sheets which contains a word "tree". I tried using indexOf function but it did not help. I am new to this, any help will me appreciated. This is what I have tried so far, but it does not work.

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const allSheets = ss.getSheets();
const neededSheets= ["tree"];
const filteredListOfSheets = allSheets.filter(s=> neededSheets.lastIndexOf(s.getSheetName()) == 0);


This is what you are looking for:

function myFunction() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const allSheets = ss.getSheets();
const allSheets_names=allSheets.map(sheet=>sheet.getSheetName())  
const neededSheets= ["tree"];   
const filteredListOfSheetsNames = []   
neededSheets.forEach(ns =>               
        allSheets_names.forEach( (as,index) =>
       {if (as.indexOf(ns)>-1){filteredListOfSheetsNames.push(as)}}))                   
const filteredListOfSheets =  filteredListOfSheetsNames.map(name =>ss.getSheetByName(name))   


  • filteredListOfSheetsNames contains the sheet names you are looking for and filteredListOfSheets contains the sheet objects you are looking for.
  • Therefore, you can use the elements of filteredListOfSheets to apply sheet operations eg filteredListOfSheets[0].getSheetName() .
  • Additionally, the code is flexible. Namely, you can have more items in the neededSheets array: const neededSheets= ["tree","house"];

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