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How to handle two api calls in Angular Subsink?

I am making an api call within angular subsink as follows:

import {SubSink} from 'subsink';
async clickButton() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.Id.length; i++) {
        const hostId = await this.serviceA.Status(this.hostName[i]);
        this.subs.sink = this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId))
            .subscribe(s => {
                if (i === this.Id.length - 1) {

Here this.Id is of type any

Now I want to make another api call after the successful completion of this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId) And, I am doing it by adding another subs.subsink as below:

import {SubSink} from 'subsink';
async clickButton() {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.Id.length; i++) {
        const hostId = await this.serviceA.Status(this.hostName[i]);
        this.subs.sink = this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId))
            .subscribe(s => {
                if (i === this.Id.length - 1) {
        this.subs.sink = this.serviceC.runRetry(hostId))
            .subscribe(s => {
                if (i === thisserverId.length - 1) {

This is closing the dialog box after this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId)) and not calling this.serviceC.runRetry(hostId))

With Using Observables

You can use forkJoin and switchMap operator of Rxjs .

Check documentation of forkjoin and also

Check documentation of switchMap

With using the operators you can rewrite your code like

forkJoin(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(hostName => {
  return this.serviceA.Status(hostName).pipe(
    switchMap(hostId => this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId).pipe(map((dbEntry) => ({dbEntry, hostId})))),
    switchMap(resp => this.serviceC.runEntry(resp.hostId))
})).subscribe(() => this.dialog.close());

With Using Promises

Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(hostName => 
      .then(hostId => this.serviceB.createDbEntry(hostId).then(() => hostId))
      .then(hostId => this.serviceC.runEntry(hostId))
      )).then(() => this.dialog.close())

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