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Utilizing environment variables in firebase-messaging-sw.js in React Boilerplate

This is my firebase-messaging-sw.js file. What i require is to fetch environment variables from my.env file. Either directly or indirectly. I have tried other answers available here but to no avail. I am using React boilerplate and those answers just don't match up for me. Is there a way i could fetch these? Any help would be appreciated.

Code right now:

        apiKey: `AIz.....Cvg5E_Q`,
        authDomain: `example.firebaseapp.com`,
        databaseURL: `https://example.firebaseio.com`,
        projectId: `projectid`,
        storageBucket: `example.com`,
        messagingSenderId: `1...7`,
        appId: `1..............30`,

Preferred way is to have it access from.env or some variable. By either importing or whatever. Ps Imports and require don't work in this service worker.


In case if anyone is looking for an angular solution.

Create environment file for firebase in the environments folder

eg. src/environments/fb-prod.ts

And add your firebase content there

var configProd: any = {
    "apiKey": "PROD-KEY",
    "authDomain": "PROD-DOMAN",
    "projectId": "PROD-ProjId",
    "storageBucket": "PROD-s-bucket",
    "messagingSenderId": "PROD-msgSenderId",
    "appId": "PROD-appId",
    "measurementId": "PROD-measurementId"

Now create a script in your package.json . This script will create a file fb-config.js in assets/stubs/ folder.

"fb-config-prod": "tsc -out src/assets/stubs/fb-config.js src/environments/fb-prod.ts --module amd"

And, run this script before you run your build.

"build:prod": "npm run fb-config-prod; ng build --configuration=production",

In the firebase-messaging-sw.js file

change the following

// Give the service worker access to Firebase Messaging.
// Note that you can only use Firebase Messaging here. Other Firebase libraries
// are not available in the service worker.

// Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in
// your app's Firebase config object.
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object
  apiKey: "-",
  authDomain: "-",
  projectId: "-",
  storageBucket: "-",
  messagingSenderId: "-",
  appId: "-",
  measurementId: "-"


// Give the service worker access to Firebase Messaging.
// Note that you can only use Firebase Messaging here. Other Firebase libraries
// are not available in the service worker.


const config = configLocal || configDev || configProd;

// Initialize the Firebase app in the service worker by passing in
// your app's Firebase config object.
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#config-object

I submitted an answer to solve this here . In summary you need to:

  1. Create 2 .env files
  2. Create a firebase-messaging-sw.js file in the root folder using your env vars
  3. Install cra-append-sw
  4. Add pre scripts to your package.json

Check my other answer for the implementation details.

I think the easiest way to implement this but this will expose your API keys.

    const firebaseConfigDev = {
        apiKey: `AIz.....Cvg5E_Q`,
        authDomain: `example.firebaseapp.com`,
        databaseURL: `https://example.firebaseio.com`,
        projectId: `projectid`,
        storageBucket: `example.com`,
        messagingSenderId: `1...7`,
        appId: `1..............30`,
    const firebaseConfigProd = {
        apiKey: `AIz.....Cvg5E_Q`,
        authDomain: `example.firebaseapp.com`,
        databaseURL: `https://example.firebaseio.com`,
        projectId: `projectid`,
        storageBucket: `example.com`,
        messagingSenderId: `1...7`,
        appId: `1..............30`,
    const isProd = this.location.origin.includes("yourdomain.com");

// Initialize Firebase
firebase.initializeApp(isProd ? firebaseConfigProd : firebaseConfigDev);
const messaging = firebase.messaging();

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