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How to use async/await pattern with gRPC Web?

I'm developing a Vue.js web application and I'm using gRPC to assure the communication.

In the frontend, I'm using the web version of gRPC: grpc-web .

Everything is working just fine; however, when I'm doing an API call in my store, eg:

async fetchEcho() {
    const echoService = new EchoServiceClient('http://localhost:8080', null, null);

    const request = new EchoRequest();
    request.setMessage('Hello World!');

    const call = echoService.echo(request, {'custom-header-1': 'value1'},
      (err: grpcWeb.Error, response: EchoResponse) => {

How can I use the async/await pattern when making the call in my Vue file, eg:

await fetchEcho();
// ...

And await until the API call has finished to resume my the course of my program?


I'm using ServicePromiseClient, the example would be something like this:

const echoServiceClient = new EchoServicePromiseClient("http://localhost:8080", null, null);

Then I'm able to create async functions for fetching like this:

async function fetchEcho() {
    const echoReq = new EchoRequest();
    echoReq.setMessage("Hello world!");
    try {
        const response = await echoServiceClient.echo(echoReq, {});
        return response;
    } catch (error) {
        return null;

The *PromiseClinet seems not to be generated anymore. In lieu of that there is a method with a signature that returns a promise

    request: microservice_1_test_pb.SearchRequest,
    metadata: grpcWeb.Metadata | null): Promise<microservice_1_test_pb.SearchResponse>;

    request: microservice_1_test_pb.SearchRequest,
    metadata: grpcWeb.Metadata | null,
    callback: (err: grpcWeb.RpcError,
               response: microservice_1_test_pb.SearchResponse) => void): grpcWeb.ClientReadableStream<microservice_1_test_pb.SearchResponse>;

Using the first

    try {
      let response = await this.searchService.search(searchRequest, {})
      this.responseData.data = response.getSearchResponse()

    } catch (error) {
      console.log("Got error from server: grpcWeb.RpcError).message-->", (error as grpcWeb.RpcError).message)
      this.responseData.error = (error as grpcWeb.RpcError)


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