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Controller not found in slim 3

I am new to slim,so please bear with me. I have project structure like


But whenever I call the controller via route it gives me below error

"PHP Fatal error: Class 'src\\controllers\\reports\\BillingReportController' not found in /var/www/html/apimod/public/index.php on line 13"

As for the line mentioned in error the snippet is as follows.


$container = $app->getContainer();
$container['BillingReportController'] = function($container){
    return new \src\controllers\reports\BillingReportController;


$app->group('/report', function() use ($app) {

  $app->get('/billing', 'BillingReportController:billing');


namespace src\controllers\BillingReportController;

class BillingReportController{
    public function billing($request, $response){
        //my code goes here

Can anyone please point out the error.

You must've to use autoloading in your composer. something like this.

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
  "src\\": "src"

then in your terminal enter this command

composer dump-autoload

it should fix your problem

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