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Do you know any way of configuring cloud run to set a cloudsql from a cloudbuild.yaml?

I'm trying to connect a cloudsql instance to a cloud run service in a safer way than setting the postgres db to be public: to do so, [1] I read it can be done through the CLI, but isn't it better managing the configuration using files rather than commands? Because, in this case, I will have to update the image every time the cloud build trigger build it, isn't it? So' I'm thinking on including --set-cloudsql-instances in the cloudbuild.yaml with the following code, but after running the logs say this --set-cloudsql-instances INSTANCE_NAME is an invalid argument. Can you give me any advice on setting this?

Thanks in advance.

gcloud beta run deploy $PROJECT --image $IMAGE_NAME --platform=managed --region us-central1 --project $PROJECT --set-cloudsql-instances $PROJECT-db
  - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
      - build
      - '--no-cache'
      - '-t'
      - .
      - '-f'
      - Dockerfile
    id: Build
  - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
      - push
    id: Push
  - name: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk
      - run
      - services
      - update
      - $_SERVICE_NAME
      - '--platform=managed'
      - >-
      - '--region=$_DEPLOY_REGION'
      - '--quiet'
      - '--set-cloudsql-instances $PROJECT_ID:$_DEPLOY_REGION:INSTANCE_NAME'
    id: Deploy
    entrypoint: gcloud
  substitutionOption: ALLOW_LOOSE

Add an equal and you need to define the INSTANCE_NAME variable in your Cloudbuild (I noted it as substitution variable $_INSTANCE_NAME )

- '--set-cloudsql-instances=$PROJECT_ID:$_DEPLOY_REGION:$_INSTANCE_NAME'

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