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Integrate cloud run with exiting service mesh

We have an existing service mesh built using Envoy and internal service control and discovery stack. We want to offer cloud run to our developers. How can we integrate the cloud run into the mesh.network so that: 1, The cloud run containers can talk to the mesh services. 2, The services built using cloud run can be discovered and used by other mesh services (each has a Envoy sidecar)

The GCP docs cover this with the Cloud Run for Anthos services using Istio doc.

In a nutshell, you will need to:

  • Create a GKE cluster with Cloud Run enabled.
  • Deploy a sample service to Cloud Run for Anthos on Google Cloud.
  • Create an IAM service account.
  • Create an Istio authentication policy.
  • Create an Istio authorization policy.
  • Test the solution.

But things change depending on how your existing service mesh is configured. Elaborating on that portion can allow the community to be able to better assist you.

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