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Invalid route options ( ) "value" must be an object - Hapi.js/Node.js

I'm creating a REST-API with Hapi and Node. I'm trying to put my routes in separate files following this guys ( How to store routes in separate files when using Hapi? ) approach. But with the Code bellow I get this error: Invalid route options ( ) "value" must be an object .

I have a user.js with my routes:

import { UserController } from "../../controllers/user.js";

const baseUrl = '/api/v1';
const userController = new UserController();

export class UserRoutes {

    user() {
        return [
                method: 'GET',
                path: baseUrl + '/users',
                config: {
                    handler: (request, response) => {
                        return userController.find(request, response);
                method: 'GET',
                path: baseUrl + '/user/{user_id}',
                config: {
                    handler: UserController.findById

and index.js in the same folder, which should merge the other route files (I currently don't have) into one array of routes:

import { UserRoutes } from './user.js';

export class Routes {
    getRoutes() {
        return [].concat(UserRoutes);

and use it in the root index.js like so:

import {Routes} from './src/routes/v1/index.js';

let routes = new Routes();

Am I doing something wrong? I also tried CommonJS as in the other Stack Overflow thread I mentioned above - but same error.

Finnally found what the error was causing. I wanted the Class UserRoutes in return [].concat(UserRoutes); to return the value that the Method inside should return... insert facepalm here . First I had to instaciate the class and then call the method.. as allways...


    getRoutes() {
        let userRoutes = new UserRoutes();

        return [].concat(userRoutes.user());

In my case I got this error because I had a test file for the post route where I forgot to add spec in file name, so make sure your files naming's are correct

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