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power law function in R

Can I please confirm that I am typing the equations correctly into R?

In a journal article it says:


In the article it says: For a particle of radius 1 mm, a typical sinking velocity of 100 md−1

They gave the two values for Cw and n





I am trying to understand how they got 100m d-1

In RI did

 wsink <- ((4.23^(1-1.17))*86400) * (1^1.17) # I multiplied by 86400 because in Cw it says its in s-1 and their final value is 100 m d-1. 

I end up with 67613.88

Am I writing the equations incorrectly in R?

1 mm should be written as 1e-3 m in the formula, such that

> 4.23*(1e-3)**1.17*86400
[1] 112.9416

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