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pytest, initialize webdriver for each test file with teardown quit

Current part of code in the test module:

def test_01():

Conftest code:

import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait

def browser():
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"C:\webdrivers\1\chromedriver.exe")
    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)

Result : "E NameError: name 'driver' is not defined"

Target result : initialize webdriver without class, setup webdriver as driver into each test function, run function with it and quit with fixtures postcondition from conftest. I have a lot of test files and thats why I should to do it once.

I've also tried return variable from fixture, but as I understood the test function still need to have variable for fixture and it looks wrong as for me. For example: fixture - return x, testfunction(fixture): x = fixture. And it still not works with webdriver\\driver (or rather I didn't figure it out).

Your test function needs to take the fixture as an argument, that's the first part of the problem.

For instance:

def test_01(driver):

But you don't have a driver fixture yet, just one called browser , so you'll need to change the name of the fixture:

def driver(request):

Finally, the fixture needs to return the driver, so that you can use it.

def driver(request):
    yield driver

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