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React Jest TypeError: Cannot read property 'baseUrl' of undefined

I have a simple login api call where the base url is in config file, code below


export const login = (username, password) => {
    Axios.post(`${config.loginApi.baseUrl}/login`, {
    .then(res => res)
    .catch(e => e);

I wrote the test case(s) below,


import axios from 'axios';
import { login } from './api';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import config from 'config';

describe('signin signup Api', () => {
afterEach(() => {

    it('logs in successfully', (done) => {
        const mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
        mock.onGet(`${config.loginApi.baseUrl}/login`).reply(200, { data: '1234abcd' });
        login('dee@gmail.com', 'test').then((res)=>{

or the other test case I wrote earlier

import axios from 'axios';
import { login } from './api';
import config from 'config';


it('logs in successfully', async () => {
      axios.post.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ data: '1234abcd' }));
      await expect(login('dee@gmail.com', 'test')).resolves.toEqual('1234abcd');

I researched and found this post close to my issue. But in all the cases I'm getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'baseUrl' of undefined

Why is this not able to know the baseUrl?

I tried mocking the config,


got TypeError: moduleName.split is not a function.

Please suggest a fix/workaround.

Adding more info on the config

in config folder, I have


module.exports = config;

in development environment, it will pick this config from dev.js, in prod - prod.js and so on

in public folder, dev.js file I have

loginApi: {
        baseUrl: 'https://abcd.com',
        mocks: true,
        mockDelay: 2000

I found the fix for this issue,

in the setupTests.js, I added

global.config ={
   loginApi: {
        baseUrl: 'https://abcd.com',
        mocks: true,
        mockDelay: 2000

This fixed that TypeError: Cannot read property 'baseUrl' of undefined issue.

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