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How to send excel file as an attachment in email in laravel?

This is my excel file in public folder. Heres the directory structure


The file name is user_products.xlsx. I need to send it as an attachment. Here is the mail class's build function

public function build()
    // dd($this->data);
    return $this->subject('Subject:User Cart Inquiry')->view('emails.sendUserSubmitMail')
    ->attach(public_path('user_products.xlsx'), [
        'as' => 'user products.xlsx',
        'mime' => 'application/xlsx',
    ->with('data', $this->data);

The mail is working fine, but when i added the ->attach() , its showing error. The error is

message: "Unable to open file for reading [/opt/lampp/htdocs/RC/public/user_products.xlsx]"

Please help. Thank You!

Never give 777 permission on production. Try this.

# sudo adduser $USER www-data
# sudo chown $USER:www-data -R /opt/lampp/htdocs
# sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/lampp/htdocs

And now change the details in apache.

# sudo nano /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf

to this

User username
Group www-data

Change username with your currently logged in user, to see that execute this:

# whoami

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