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Call javascript function from html file in google apps script

I have a project in Apps script that is trying to create a google chart to pop up in a modal above Google Sheets.
I have ChartC.html:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  google.charts.load("current", {packages:["timeline"]});
  google.script.run.drawChart(); //<-----This is where I want to call the function in Code.gs

<div id="example3.1" style="height: 400px;">GraphC</div>

and Code.gs:

function showDialog() { //This pops up the modal
    var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('GraphC')
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp.
    .showModalDialog(html, 'My custom dialog');

function drawChart() { //This draws the chart
    var container = document.getElementById('example3.1');
    var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container);
    var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();

    dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Position' });
    dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Name' });
    dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' });
    dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' });
      [ 'President', 'George Washington', new Date(1789, 3, 30), new Date(1797, 2, 4) ],
      [ 'President', 'John Adams', new Date(1797, 2, 4), new Date(1801, 2, 4) ],
      [ 'President', 'Thomas Jefferson', new Date(1801, 2, 4), new Date(1809, 2, 4) ],
      [ 'Vice President', 'John Adams', new Date(1789, 3, 21), new Date(1797, 2, 4)],
      [ 'Vice President', 'Thomas Jefferson', new Date(1797, 2, 4), new Date(1801, 2, 4)],
      [ 'Vice President', 'Aaron Burr', new Date(1801, 2, 4), new Date(1805, 2, 4)],
      [ 'Vice President', 'George Clinton', new Date(1805, 2, 4), new Date(1812, 3, 20)],


Note that the Chart draws perfectly well in jsfiddle by itself OR if I replace the commented line in the html file with the 'drawChart' function and run it (instead of having that function in the .gs file itself).
But I want to call it from the .gs file because it's a pain to alter the html file from javascript. Is this possible?

The drawChart requires the Google Charts JavaScript library which is being loaded on the client side code and it use the DOM which is not available on the server-side code. Considering this, the easier solution is to put the drawChart function on the client-side.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script> <div id="example3.1" style="height: 400px;">GraphC</div> <script> function drawChart() { //This draws the chart var container = document.getElementById('example3.1'); var chart = new google.visualization.Timeline(container); var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Position' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'string', id: 'Name' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'Start' }); dataTable.addColumn({ type: 'date', id: 'End' }); dataTable.addRows([ ['President', 'George Washington', new Date(1789, 3, 30), new Date(1797, 2, 4)], ['President', 'John Adams', new Date(1797, 2, 4), new Date(1801, 2, 4)], ['President', 'Thomas Jefferson', new Date(1801, 2, 4), new Date(1809, 2, 4)], ['Vice President', 'John Adams', new Date(1789, 3, 21), new Date(1797, 2, 4)], ['Vice President', 'Thomas Jefferson', new Date(1797, 2, 4), new Date(1801, 2, 4)], ['Vice President', 'Aaron Burr', new Date(1801, 2, 4), new Date(1805, 2, 4)], ['Vice President', 'George Clinton', new Date(1805, 2, 4), new Date(1812, 3, 20)], ]); chart.draw(dataTable); } google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["timeline"] }); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); </script>

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