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Alternative Javascript Method for PerformanceNavigation (Cross-browser Compatible)

I have semi-successfully implemented the following Javascript, but am having some difficulties achieving cross-browser compatibility (specifically in Firefox) with window.performance.navigation , since it has since been deprecated.

Here's what I've implemented, so far:

    var historyTraversal=event.persisted||
    (typeof window.performance!=="undefined"&&

Any alternative ways to formatting this?

As mentioned on MDN , Performance.navigation is deprecated because it's marked as such in the Navigation Timing Level 2 specification . As recommended on the specs, PerformanceNavigationTiming should be used instead: this is compatible with all the latest major browsers.

The property you're looking for is now available here , and you can query it as var perfEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("back_forward"); .

Unfortunately it doesn't work in Safari.

This does (see Safari back button doesn't reload page when used ):

window.addEventListener("pageshow", function(evt){
}, false);

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