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How to use Framer Motion <AnimatePresence> and React Portals?


I built a React Modal component using React Portals (see Docs above). Before unmounting the component when the close button is clicked, I want to run an exit animation with Framer Motion using AnimatePresence . Unfortunately, I can't make it work and need help.


What I tried

I added exit={{ opacity: 0 }} to a child of <RenderModal/> . The entering animation using initial and animate worked as expected.

  1. Wrap <AnimatePresence> around modal-root element
<div id="root"></div>
  <div id="modal-root"></div>
  1. Wrap as child of modal-root

Error: Target container requires a DOM element

<div id="modal-root">
  1. Wrap around the component element
const Modal = ({
  }) => {
      && (
  1. Wrap around the used Component
return (
    <Button onClick={show}>Open Modal</Button>
      <Modal {...args}></Modal>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p>

Hello I think might be late. but I solve with this code

import { ReactNode } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion";

interface ModalWrapperProps {
    children: ReactNode;
    isShowing: boolean;

const ModalWrapper = ({ children, isShowing }: ModalWrapperProps) =>
        <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>
            {isShowing && children}

export default ModalWrapper;

I inspired below post


Did you remember to include a key prop for the conditionally rendered element? I don't see it in your code snippets.

From the docs :

Child motion components must each have a unique key prop so AnimatePresence can track their presence in the tree.

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