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observable collection static resource in xaml c#

I want to create an observable collection and bind it to itemsource of a combobox dropdown. I need to make this collection a resource (page/grid) to be able to bind to it inside a data template. Need help in defining a class structure . A sample class structure will really help. Collection is very simple, eg a list of all countries. Important requirement is that i should be able to add items to it. Basically a collection containing countries (string) that allows me to add items.

observable collection static resource in xaml c#

For this requirement, you could make custom ObservableCollection class in the code-behind, then implement it in the xaml.

For example:

public class CountrysObservableCollection : ObservableCollection<string>

    public CountrysObservableCollection()



    <local:CountrysObservableCollection x:Key="Countrys">


<ComboBox ItemsSource="{StaticResource Countrys}"/>

Update DataSource

private  void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var countrys = Resources["Countrys"] as ObservableCollection<string>;
    countrys.Add("New World");


        <local:CountrysObservableCollection x:Key="Countrys">

 private  void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     var countrys = Application.Current.Resources["Countrys"]as ObservableCollection<string>;  
     countrys.Add("New World");

There are a ton of examples on the web. Here is a simple one: Explain Combo Box Binding In MVVM - WPF

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