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ReactJS - Image is not shown in a custom column of Material-Table

I'm working on material-table to render a custom column with images just like this example in the official docs. But there is a little problem. The example online image from githubusercontent.com is working perfectly fine but if I give the path of a local image on my machine it don't work.

With Image on my machine


With online Image


There is no problem with image dimensions or file extension etc. as I downloaded the same image from githunusercontent.com and that is not working on local machine as well.


Just I saw a little error message in the console saying

Not allowed to load local resource 'file-path' What to do now?

To show the image from the local machine you can do it in the following way:

App.js file:

import React from 'react';

import MaterialTable from 'material-table';

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        title="Render Image Preview"
          { title: 'Avatar', field: 'imageUrl', render: rowData => <img src={require('./img.jpeg')} style={{ width: 40, borderRadius: '50%' }} /> },
          { title: 'Name', field: 'name' },
          { title: 'Surname', field: 'surname' },
          { title: 'Birth Year', field: 'birthYear', type: 'numeric' },
            title: 'Birth Place',
            field: 'birthCity',
            lookup: { 34: 'İstanbul', 63: 'Şanlıurfa' },
          { name: 'Mehmet', surname: 'Baran', birthYear: 1987, birthCity: 63, imageUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/7895451?s=460&v=4' },
          { name: 'Zerya Betül', surname: 'Baran', birthYear: 2017, birthCity: 34, imageUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/7895451?s=460&v=4' },

Note: I've downloaded the image and renamed it as img.jpeg from the URL you've given here and kept it in the same directory where App.js file is located.

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