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Can't change the state using computed setter in Vue

I need to submit a form using computed property in Vue.js. The end_saving is computed from start_saving and duration . I need to use saving.end_saving in v-model so I can submit the value in a POST method via Axios.

   @input="saving.end_saving= $event.target.value"
data() {
 return {
  saving: {
    start_saving: "",
    duration: "",
    end_saving: "",
computed: {
 endSaving: {
  get: function () {
    return moment(this.saving.start_saving)
      .add(this.saving.duration, "days")
      .subtract(1, "days")
  set: function (newValue) {
    return (this.saving.end_saving = newValue);
methods: {
 submitForm() {
    .post("/api/saving", this.saving)
      (response) =>
        (window.location.href = `/saving/${response.data.id}`)
    .catch((error) => console.log(error));

But, every time I submit the form, the end_saving is always null .

Sounds like you would be better off computing the entire savings object.

For example

data: () => ({
  start_saving: "",
  duration: 0
computed: {
  saving: ({ start_saving, duration }) => ({
    end_saving: moment(start_saving).add(duration - 1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD")

Then bind your two form inputs to start_saving and duration


<input type="number" v-model.number="duration">

and use this.saving in your Axios POST request (like you currently have)

axios.post("/api/saving", this.saving)

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