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Angular 9 - NGRX How to register a "global" reducer

Let's say I have a state AnimalState that looks like this:

  cats: Cat[];
  dogs: Dog[];

Here how the reducers are defined :

export const catsReducer = createReducer([],
    (state, { cats }) => {
      return {

export const dogsReducer = createReducer([],
    (_, { dogs }) => {
      return dogs;

export const reducers: ActionReducerMap<AnimalState> = {
  cats: catsReducer,
  dogs: dogsReducer,

I then inject reducers into my custom module with an InjectionToken such as :

const reducerToken = new InjectionToken<ActionReducerMap<AnimalState>>(
{ factory: () => reducers });
StoreModule.forFeature("animal", reducerToken),

My question is how can I create and register a reducer that will use both cats and dogs values.

Well you would want to split the reducer and initial states:

const initialCatState: Cat[] = []

export const catsReducer = createReducer(initialCatState,
    (state, { cats }) => {
      return cats;

const initialDogState: Dog[] = []

export const dogsReducer = createReducer(initialDogState,
    ((state: Dog[]), { dogs }) => {
      return dogs;
    ((state: Dog[]), { dog }) => {
      return [...dogs, dog];

And then register two features:

StoreModule.forFeature("cats", catsReducer),
StoreModule.forFeature("dogs", dogsReducer),

and to select

export const selectCats = createFeatureSelector('cats');
export const selectDogs = createFeatureSelector('dogs');

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