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WireShark Remote Capture failed:NFLOG link-layer type filtering not implemented

I followed the official documentation .

My remote-server is CentOS 7.9, and I have installed the wireshark in it.

I use the below command to open my local wireshark software to capture the remote-server's interface packet:

ssh root@remote-server-name 'dumpcap -w - -f "not port 22"' | wireshark -k -i -

but I get error information:

Capturing on 'nflog'
dumpcap: Invalid capture filter "not port 22" for interface nflog!

That string isn't a valid capture filter (NFLOG link-layer type filtering not implemented).
See the User's Guide for a description of the capture filter syntax.

and my local wireshark software display the error: 克


I use the below command to special the interface:

ssh root@remote-server-name -i .ssh/id_rsa 'dumpcap -w - -f "not port 22"' | wireshark -k -i em1

but the wireshark says there is no such device: 在此处输入图片说明

in my server there exist the em1 indeed.

[root@att ~]# ip a | grep em1
2: em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    inet remote-ip/29 brd remote-ip scope global noprefixroute em1

The error message is explaining what is the cause of not being able to capture:

Capturing on 'nflog' dumpcap: Invalid capture filter "not port 22" for interface nflog!

The dumpcap command that is executed on the remote server does not have an argument -i <interface> , this means dumpcap will select the first interface in finds. In this case interface nflog .

All capture filters are compiled based on the link layer type of the interface as some filter elements are only available on interfaces of a certain link-layer type.

In this case the capture filter not port 22 is not a valid capture filter for the link-layer type of interface nflog.

I assume you meant to capture on the ethernet interface of the remote host. You can list the interfaces on the remote host by using the command dumpcap -D . Pick the interface you want to capture on and then add the argument -i <interface> to your dumpcap command in the remote capture command.

change -f "not port 22"' to -f 'not tcp port 22'"

Just a typo probably.

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