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How can i pass multiple variables from one component to the service in angular 9?

How can i pass multiple variables from one component to the service and get it in another component in angular 9 ? I tried so hard to solve this problem but I couldn't find any solution. I am trying to pass/send variable that contains some data from sendComponent to service and get that same data to another receiveComponent. After clicking button on send.Html and also navigate to receiveComponent.

sent.Html: I want to push data after pressing OK button from this html

<button class="btn btn-primary pull-right" (click)="onPushData()">
   <i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i> 

sendComponent: secondTableData,totalPrice and totalPrice these are the variables that contains data that needs to pass to service.ts May be this is wrong approach

    let tData = this.secondTableData  // want to push secondTableData variable
    let t = this.totalPrice;          // want to push totalPrice variable
    let d = this.totalPrice           // want to push totalQuantity variable


  providedIn: 'root'

export class DataShareService { 

  onPushTable(tData) {
  --Do something here--

receiveComponent: i want to get data in this component

recDataFromService() {
  --do something here--

receive.Html: display data here

<tr *ngFor="let data of recData;let i = index">

Help me to Solve this problem plz... Share your answer if u know any idea about this..

Sample: This is the code that contain the array of data(itemName, Quantity,retailRate ....) in secondTableData

  //To Copy data of First table to Second table
   secondTableData = [];
   updateSecondTable(data) {
   let foundItem = this.secondTableData.find((item) => item.itemName === 
   if (foundItem) {
    foundItem.rate = data.retailRate;
   foundItem.Quantity += 1;
   foundItem.retailRate += data.retailRate;
   this.getColumnTotal();   //  <----- To call total Price
    itemName: data.itemName,
    Quantity: 1,
    retailRate: data.retailRate,


   // to calculate total amount
   getColumnTotal() {
   const { Quantity, Price } = this.secondTableData.reduce((acc, item) => 
   acc.Quantity += item.Quantity;
   acc.Price += item.retailRate;
   return acc;
   }, {
   Quantity: 0,
   Price: 0
  this.totalQuantity = Quantity;
  this.totalPrice = Price;

Receive.html: This is the code where I want to display data in array

I want to push these variables(secondTableData, totalQuantity, TotalPrice...) in receive component and want to display it in tabular form.

<table class="table table-bordered table-sm">
    <tr *ngFor="let recData of myData;let i = index">  <!--i want to display here -->
    <tr class="small" style="height: 10px;">
        <td colspan="3" style="border: none;"></td>
        <td>Gross Amount:</td>
    <tr class="small">
        <td colspan="3" style="border: none;"></td>
    <tr class="small">
        <td colspan="3" style="border: none;"></td>
     <tr class="small">
        <td colspan="3" style="border: none;"></td>
        <td>Net Amont</td>

You can create a transfer object containing everything you want (if you wish to send all of the variables using a single call):

const tData = this.secondTableData; variable
const t = this.totalPrice;
const d = this.totalQuantity;

const obj = {tData, t, d};

Then on your service:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) 
export class DataShareService {
  private yourData;

  onPushTable(obj) {
    this.yourData = obj;

  getYourData() {
    return this.yourData;

And in your component:

recDataFromService() {
  this.myData = this.dataShareService.getYourData();


The above answer isn't wrong at all => without further information, I think you're just trying to get the data at the wrong place/moment. To avoid this problem, you should adopt a reactive approach in the service:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) 
export class DataShareService {
  private _yourData$: BehaviorSubject<{tData:any[];t:number;d:number}> =
      new BehaviorSubject<{tData:any[];t:number;d:number}>({tData:[],t:0,d:0});

  onPushTable(obj) {
    this._yourData$.next(obj ? obj : {tData:[],t:0,d:0});
    // if you're using ts >= 3.9.x you can use:
    // this._yourData$.next(obj??{tData:[],t:0,d:0});

  getYourData$(): Observable<{tData:any[];t:number;d:number}> {
    return this._yourData$.asObservable();

On the receiving component typescript file:

_fromFirstComponent$: Observable<{tData:any[];t:number;d:number}> = 

constructor(private _dataService: DataShareService){}

And, in your receiving template:

    <tr *ngFor="let recData of (_fromFirstComponent$ | async)?.tData;let i = index">  <!--i want to display here -->

Any variable stored in your service will be visible in other component if you inject its service on it.

In your case, on onPushData , store everything you want in your service. I don't know exactly what you want, but will be something like:

  let tData = this.secondTableData;
  let t = this.totalPrice;          
  let d = this.totalPrice;           
  this.dataShareService.onPushTable(tData, t, d);

Be sure your service recieves all three variables and store it on it (for example, create those variables tdata, t and d on your service and get it on onPushTable .

So, inject your service on the second component constructor:

constructor(private myService:MyService)

Then, it will be available on:


In your service:

  providedIn: 'root'

export class DataShareService {
  private subject = new Subject<any>();

  onPushTable(data) {

  getData(): Observable<any> {
    return this.subject.asObservable();

In your sendComponent :

this.dataShareService.onPushTable({tData, t, d});

In your receiveComponent :

this.service.getData().subscribe(data => this.data = data);

Then use the data field in your HTML template like:

<tr *ngFor="let rec of data.tData;let i = index">

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