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df.to_csv is not generating a CSV file even with fully specified filepath

Still trying to learn Python. As a learning exercise, I tried to write a script to pull the last 5 years of historical bitcoin data from coinmarketcap.com. I have it so no errors are generated whatsoever, but no CSV file generates at the end. I read elsewhere it may save to another directory, but I can see the working directory is where I'm looking, and I used df.to_csv in another script in this directory and it saved correctly.

I am using Spyder through Anaconda Notebooks. Here is my script:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json

coins = {}

for i in coins:
        page = requests.get('https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/historical-data/?start=20150920&end=20200918')
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
        data = soup.find('script', id="__NEXT_DATA__",type="application/json")
        historical_data = json.loads(data.contents[0]) 
        quotes = historical_data['props']['initialState']['cryptocurrency']['ohlcvHistorical']['i']['quotes']

        market_cap = []
        volume = []
        timestamp = []
        name = []
        symbol = []
        slug = []
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['marketcap','volume','timestamp','name','symbol','slug'])
        for j in quotes:
            df['marketcap'] = market_cap
            df['volume'] = volume
            df['timestamp'] = timestamp
            df['name'] = name
            df['symbol'] = symbol
            df['slug'] = slug
        df.to_csv('C:\\Python34\\Projects\\Trends\\btcvalue.csv', index=False)

Your first for loop will never run, because coins is always empty. And I would suggest to move df.to_csv out of the for loop.


coins = {}

for i in coins:


        df['slug'] = slug
df.to_csv('C:\\Python34\\Projects\\Trends\\btcvalue.csv', index=False)

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