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How can you delete specific element in a list in ReactNative(JS)

I making a todo list where whatever I type get's pushed to an array. When I mapped the array, I put a trashcan button where they can remove that "Todo" list. I tried Splice method but it did not work. For example, I have a list that says:

"Buy Milk"

"Get Eggs"

If I want to remove "Get Eggs", it is removing "Buy Milk"(It is removing whatever it is on the top). Can someone help how I can achieve this. Here is my code(React native code):

removeList = (item) => {
  let val = this.state.noteList;
  let arr = val.splice(item, 1); // <= this is what I did but it is removing the first element of the list

  let complete = this.state.completedTask;

Here is my Touchable Opacity:

    height: deviceHeight / 10,
    width: deviceWidth / 6,
    backgroundColor: "#e6a25c",
    justifyContent: "center",
    style={{ alignSelf: "center" }}

This might seem a dumb question to you but I just can't seem to figure it out.

EDIT: I tried to do a Flat list instead of mapping but it's not working of me. Am i doing something wrong:

let newNote = [] // This is new NOTE and NOT THE COMPLETED SCREEN


    renderItem={({item,index}) => {
        <View style={{height:100,width:200,backgroundColor: "black"}}>
      <View style={styles.newBoxView}>

Try this:

removeList = (item) => {
  let val = this.state.noteList;
  let arr;

  for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
    if (val[i] === item) {
      arr = val.splice(i, 1);

  let complete = this.state.completedTask;

I found my answer so if anyone have the same issue has me, Here is the code:

`deleteNote = (index) => {
 let arr = this.state.noteList;
 delete arr[index]
  activeCounter: Number(this.state.activeCounter - 1)

Here is my Mapping code:

  `this.state.noteList.map((item,index) => 
   <View style={styles.createBox}>  
   <View style={{flex:4,justifyContent: 'center',backgroundColor: 
    <Text  style={{textAlign:'center',fontSize:deviceWidth/20,}}>
<TouchableOpacity key={index} onPress={() => this.deleteNote(index)} style={{flex:1,justifyContent: 'center'}}>
<AntDesign  name="checkcircleo" style={{alignSelf:'center',backgroundColor: "#e6a25c"}} size={deviceWidth/5} color="black" />

I hope this helps. This literally took me 1 week to figure and finally I figured it out.

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