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How to simply encrypt a string with OpenPGP.js?

I just want to be able to do something like this:

function encryptString(string, publicKey) {
    // do stuff....
    return encryptedString;

I had a look at OpenPGP and JSEncrypt. JSEncrypt doesn't seem to work at all. Just returns false. And OpenPHP requires asynchronous calls when I need a realtime synchronous calculation.

Any thoughts as to what I could be doing wrong?

For JSEncrypt, the false I am getting is most likely due to my key being very long. This library seems to support short strings.

Im a bit lost. Any nudges in the right direction would be appreciated?

This worked for me (although it's certainly not elegant):

function pgp_encryptValues(cvv, cc)
    var keyId = '{{ $keyId }}';
    var base64EncodedPublicKey = '{{ $publicKey }}';

    var CardDetails = {
        "number": cc,
        "cvv"   : cvv
       const stringified      =  JSON.stringify(CardDetails);
       const pciEncryptionKey = base64EncodedPublicKey;
       const decodedPublicKey = atob(pciEncryptionKey)

        async function setPgpCode()
            const options = {
             message: openpgp.message.fromText(stringified),
                publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(decodedPublicKey)).keys
            return openpgp.encrypt(options).then((ciphertext) =>
                var cipherResultEncoded = btoa(ciphertext.data);
                return {
                    encryptedData: btoa(ciphertext.data),
                    keyId: keyId

        if (promiseStarted) {
            while (promiseStarted)
                // wait til its done...

        promiseStarted   = true;
        promiseEnded     = false;
        promiseStarted   = false;
        promiseEnded     = true;


Very hackey and I'll probably improve it over time, but at least it works!

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