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Referencing Azure Key Vault secrets from CI/CD YAML

We have a multi-stage YAML pipeline that does CI/CD to an existing set of Azure Resources

The stages are

  1. Build
  2. Deploy to Development and Run Tests
  3. If Previous succeeded - Deploy to Production and Run Tests

We use the AzureRmWebAppDeployment task during the deployment stages and we use the AppSettings argument to that task to specify environment-specific settings. For example

- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment@4
      displayName: 'Deploy Azure App Service'
        azureSubscription: '$(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)'
        appType: '$(webAppKind)'
        Package: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/**/*.zip'
        AppSettings: >
          -AzureAd:CallbackPath /signin-oidc
          -AzureAd:ClientId [GUID was here]
          -AzureAd:Domain [domain was here]
          -AzureAd:Instance https://login.microsoftonline.com/ 
          -AzureAd:TenantId [Id was here]
          -EmailServer:SMTPPassword SECRETPASSWORD
          -EmailServer:SMTPUsername SECRETUSERNAME

There are two settings in that set, EmailServer: SMTPUsername and EmailServer: SMTPPassword that I want to pull from an Azure KeyVault. I know how to reference the KV secret from Azure Portal using the syntax


but how do I reference the value from the YAML pipeline so it is set in Azure?

As pointed out by Thomas in this comment, Referencing Azure Key Vault secrets from CI/CD YAML

I can explicitly set the value in the YAML file like this:

-EmailServer:SMTPPassword @Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=https://our.vault.azure.net/secrets/SendGridPassword/ReferenceGuidHere)

You need to set an AzureKeyVault@1 task with RunAsPreJob to true, this will make your key vault values available as CI/CD jobs environment variables so you can use it as $(KEY-OF-SECRET-VALUE) on the rest of your stages in the job.

The following piece of yaml file is a working example. We set for python unittest a set of env variable provided from Azure key-vault

  batch: true # disable concurrent build for pipeline
    - '*'  # CI start for all branches

  vmImage: ubuntu-16.04


- stage: Test
  - job: sample_test_stage
    - task: AzureKeyVault@1
        azureSubscription: 'YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HERE'
        KeyVaultName: 'THE-KEY-VAULT-NAME'
        SecretsFilter: '*'
        RunAsPreJob: true
    - task: UsePythonVersion@0
        versionSpec: '3.7'
    - script : python -m unittest discover -v -s tests
      displayName: 'Execute python unittest'
      env: { MY-ENV-VAL-1: $(SECRET-VALUE-1), MY-ENV-VAL-2: $(SECRET-VALUE-2)}

Note that sometimes you need to approve connection beetween AzureDevops and another Azure service like KeyVault

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