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Google App Engine - Static IP Address - Route Domain Name

I am running a flask application on Google App Engine Standard.

I have not found a resource which states that Google App Engine provides a static IP address. I am trying to route my domain name, let's call it 'mydomain.com' to hit the google app engine endpoint, which Goole provides as something similar to https://my-appengine-name.appspot.com/

I have verified the domain with Google and selected it as a custom domain.

If https://my-appengine-name.appspot.com/ was a numerical IP address I could simply route my domain ie 'mydomain.com' to the numerical IP address in the A name record. However, as from what I understand app engine has dynamic IP addresses for APP engine and so this is not possible.

What are my options here to route 'mydomain.com' to Google's App Engine domain: 'https://myappenginename.appspot.com/ ' then?

In addition of John comment, if you choose the root domain of your service (in the example, my own domain gblaquiere.dev , a list of IPs (and 1 CNAME) is provided and you have to update your registrar with them


If you absolutely want only one IP to register, you can create an HTTPS Load balancer in front of App Engine and create a serverless NEG backend

Although @guillaume posted correctly above I just wanted to reiterate the steps explicitly. Generally someone asking such a question is a newbie to GCloud and it helps to have explicit steps. At the App engine dashboard click on settings. App 引擎菜单

From the settings, click on ADD Custom Domain自定义域设置

To add a domain you needed to verify your domain with Google already, either through adding a TXT record or another method offered by Google (if you haven't registered your domain with Google). This verification can happen almost immediately with Registrars like namecheap.com or name.com (as per my experience) Then go back to this custom domains area in the Google App Engine console and you will be provided with a list of verified domain you can select to route to your App Engine.

Once you have done this Google will provide you with a series of A, AAAA and a CNAMe record which you will need to update at your Registrar, generally in the advanced DNS settings.



This should definitely be sufficient. I think my struggle resulted due to a problem with my deployed app which I misdiagnosed as a problem with the DNS routing. Thanks for the previous responses which assisted me.

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