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React UseRef and forwardRef issue for an element position

I have successfully connected my component Details.js in order to manage the state out of the component itself, these are the steps:

You can see the demo here


import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, ref, useImperativeHandle, forwardRef } from "react";

  const cleanValue = () => {

  useImperativeHandle(fowardedRef, () => {
    return {
      cleanValue: cleanValue

const ConnectedDetails = connect(

export default forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return <ConnectedDetails {...props} fowardedRef={ref} />;


const ref = useRef();  
<button onClick={() => ref.current.cleanValue()} type="button">Reset</button>
<Details ref={ref} />

It works ,the demo is here .

My problem is when i move this element from App.js to Leagues.js as you can see in the demo ( there are both cases )


Line 71

<button onClick={() => ref.current.cleanValue()} type="button">Reset</button>

i get this error when i click on it => TypeError Cannot read property 'cleanValue' of undefined

Is it possible ? If yes, what am i doing wrong and how can i fix that?

As pointed out in the comments, the main issue was that the ref reference within the Leagues component was not pointing to the Details component.

The following 3 modifications to your original code can be done to make the button in the Leagues component work:

  1. Adding an onReset property to the Leagues component

     let Leagues = ({ getList, getStats, leaguesList, loading, getDetail, teamsDetail, onReset })
  2. using the onReset function in the Leagues component

    Original : <button onClick={() => ref.current.cleanValue()} type="button">

    New: <button onClick={onReset} type="button">

  3. setting the onReset property of the Leagues component to a function which will call the cleanValue() method of the Details component

    Original: <Leagues />

    New: <Leagues onReset={() => ref.current.cleanValue()} />

The full code can be found here .

Please note that from architectural perspective, it is not recommended for a component to access its sibling via reference. Many scenarios where this seems needed might be better dealt with via the parent component.

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