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Can't edit element on google page, no CSS selector works

I'm trying to make a Google userstyle based on Discord's color scheme. Even though I have no programming experience whatsoever, it has been pretty straightforward (Inspect element > Copy-paste to Stylus) but now there's an element that I can't edit. It's the "next" arrow in the video cards that appear in the results for a search. Here it is: The button on the right.

When inspecting it, the selector just shows up as "element", that didn't work, right-clicking and copying the selector (I'm using FIrefox) also didn't work, and using live CSS editors didn't work either.

I'm guessing it's because they use a fake html element called g-right-button . Just change it to div and you'll be fine.

(You can also just make a g-right-button {.. } selector)


You can also see and change properties from inspector.


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