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GCP Compute Engine API keep requesting

Checking the APIs & Services dashboard, it always shows the Compute Engine API requesting even when I disabled the Compute Engine API.

Why? And is it normal?

When I disabled the Compute Engine API, it is still requesting but having 100% error as picture(I enabled it on Sep22).

I am not using the Compute Engine now, should I disabled it?


There are nothing about Compute Engine on Logs Viewer, as I don even have VM instances.

I can only see there are many Traffic by API method since enabled.

It seem to come from "List requests", but I don know what is it and why it keep requesting?

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The Compute Engine service (compute.googleapis.com) is a dependency for many other Google Cloud services so it's possible this is why you continue to see traffic to this API.

You can enumerate your services:

gcloud services list \
--enabled \

You can disable the Compute Engine service but be careful because this will break dependencies:

gcloud services disable compute.googleapis.com \

If you do this then rerun the list command, compute.googleapis.com should no longer be listed as enabled.

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