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Javascript: how to create an infinite-loop of promises?

I want to write in Javascript the following pseudo-code:

function asyncOperation() {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

while (true) { 
    result = asyncOperation()
    if result is good then break the loop;
    else loop again

I'll explain it in words: asyncOperation uses a Promise, for example an AJAX call. I want that if the promise is rejected, then asyncOperation will be invoked again. Do you know how it can be done in Javascript?

If you're going to use a loop, then you will have to use await because otherwise, your loop will just run forever and never give the asynchronous operation any cycles to actually process its completion:

while (true) { 
    result = await asyncOperation()
    if (good result) {

This, of course, needs to be inside a function declared as async .

Before await , the usual way to do this would be with a local function and a recursive-looking structure (that by the way does not have any stack build-up from recursion because of the async operation):

function run() {
    return asyncOperation().then(result => {
        if (good result) {
            return result;
        } else {
            // try again
            return run();

run().then(result => {
}).catch(err => {

And, typically you would insert some small delay before calling the asyncOperation() again in order to avoid hammering the target server. And, you would have either a timeout or a max number of retries to avoid a situation where this loop runs forever.

Wouldn't something like this just be sufficient:

async function loopUntilTrue() {
  let success = false;

  while (!success) {
    try {
      await asyncOperation();
      success = true;
    } catch {
      success = false;

I created a loop function to do that

let count = 0;
function asyncOperation() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (count < 10) {
      console.log('reject', count++);
    resolve(console.log('resolve', count));

async function loop() {
  while (true) {
    try {
      await asyncOperation();

    } catch {


The result is this:

reject 0
reject 1
reject 2
reject 3
reject 4
reject 5
reject 6
reject 7
reject 8
reject 9
resolve 10

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