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React-router-dom with Material-ui working but not mounting components

I'm working on this project: https://codesandbox.io/s/trusting-frog-089l2 My goal is to (as react-router-dom is supposed to work) navigate among various components using the Material-UI buttons on top. Only problem is, while the router works (I can see the mountpoint changing on the address bar), the right component does not get mounted. Does anyone know how to solve this?


should be replaced with


and also u should change the first route to have exact prop and remove it from the rest of the Route components

this is how your switch should look like:

     <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
     <Route path="/studio" component={Studio} />
     <Route path="/stanzino" component={Stanzino} />
     <Route path="/affitti" component={Affitti} />
     <Redirect to="/" />

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