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using publish subscribe in react makes the component to unmount and mount

I'm trying to implement pubsub (publish-subscribe) in reactjs. Every time an event has listened, then component unmounts and then mounts again. The following are the components:


when the button is clicked, publish an event with payload (ie item).

import PubSub from 'pubsub-js';
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-native';

interface ComponentAProps {}

const ComponentA: React.FC<ComponentAProps> = ({}) => {
  return (
      title="add items"
      onPress={() => {
           PubSub.publish('ADD_ITEMS', { item: { title: 'someItem' } })

export default ComponentA;


listens for events, if any, add the payload to items. renders the items.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

interface ComponentBProps {}

interface IItem {
  title: string;

type IItems = IItem[];

const ComponentB: React.FC<ComponentBProps> = ({}) => {
  const [items, setItems] = useState<IItems>([]);

  useEffect(() => {
     * add item to items
    PubSub.subscribe('ADD_ITEMS', (item: IItem) => {
      setItems([...items, item]);
    return () => {

  let renderItems = items.map((item) => (

  return <View>{renderItems}</View>;

export default ComponentB;

the following is the output of the log if the button is clicked 3 times:

  • mounted
  • published
  • unmounted
  • mounted
  • published
  • unmounted
  • mounted
  • published
  • unmounted
  • mounted

Have you tried adding the second argument in useEffect in order to use it like componentDidMount? I'm talking about the empty array []. The way you implement it now is the same as componentDidUpdate and runs on every rerender.

You can read more here

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