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Override Yii2 Class

Assuming yii2-app-advanced. I would like to override the base implementation of \\yii\\helpers\\Inflector::hasIntl() which is used (indirectly) by yii\\web\\Response .

original code

protected static function hasIntl()
    return extension_loaded('intl');

the code I want


namespace backend\components;

class Inflector extends \yii\helpers\Inflector
    protected static function hasIntl()
        return false;

So, I create backend\\components\\Inflector extending yii\\helpers\\Inflector and override the method as shown above.

Then in backend/config/bootstrap.php I add:

Yii::$container->set('\yii\helpers\Inflector', '\backend\components\Inflector');

But is not using the custom implementation. It keeps using the original one. So, questions:

  • why is not working?
  • a good alternative solution? (a posted an ugly one)

I have read Yii2 extend or replace core class and used this Yii::$container->set method before, but in this case is not working, even if done like:

Yii::$container->set('\yii\helpers\Inflector', [
    'class' => '\backend\components\Inflector',


Yii::$classMap['yii\helpers\Inflector'] = '@app/components/Inflector.php';

I don't consider this an elegant solution

I was able to solve it by using:

Yii::$classMap['yii\helpers\Inflector'] = '@path/to/new/file'

But this doesn't looks as elegant as the other solution, as is replacing the file. In this case the new file have to have the original namespace yii\\helpers\\Inflector and extend yii\\helpers\\BaseInflector .

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